Sunday, 5 February 2012

Torta al cioccalato

So I have to confess... I've cooked this one before. It's the only recipe I'd ever cooked out of this book before I started this blog! It's tried, and tested and it's really yummy.

I cheated cause I needed a cake... and fast! My lovely friend and very talented hairdresser, was coming over, to work on my garden on his birthday! So of course I had to make him a gorgeous cake! My Friday evening on which I had planned to bake an extravagant, multi-layered cake, had been spent at the hardware store (excitement plus!) shopping for reno materials (see more details here if you want to see...)

So in between meeting someone about some freelance work, and climbing up into our disgustingly dusty loft, I whipped up this old faithful chocolate cake (sans dust I promise!) - which never fails to disappoint!

Ready to go... please excuse the dead plant!

Stirring out the lumps...

The best bit!

Cooling... almost ready for eating!