Monday, 27 June 2011

Zuppa di pane e lenticchie

That sounds so posh! Translated it is Bread and lentil soup! 

So I have to admit, I cheated this week. We're (hopefully) moving house soon so my very bossy baby sister told me I wasn't allowed buy any weird ingredients for my recipes. So I dug down the very back of my pantry, found some lentils and scoured the Silver Spoon for a good recipe.

I promise after we move, I'll be back to randomly choosing recipes and when friends come over - I'm making the dinner party recipes - can't WAIT! Bring on the new kitchen for lots of Silver Spoon adventures!

So, back to Bread and Lentil soup...

Recipe number 3

Lentil soup boiling... and boiling... and boiling

The egg bread - oh so good

Ladeling soup onto the egg bread

The finished product

So a super simple but super yummy soup with extra naughty egg bread on the side (and underneath!). Needs lots of pepper but besides that, hearty and yummy. Will definitely be making this and freezing for lazy winter evenings.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Insalata di peperoni e farro

Or Pepper and farro salad (capsicum and farro salad for us Aussies)

Farro?... I'd never heard of it! So I googled it, then hoped that my gourmet shop around the corner would know what I was on about when I asked for it! The woman there assured me that it was simply spelt – so taking her word for it (?!) I took the "farro" home and off I went.

Lots of boiling (the farro) and chopping (the peppers/capsicums) later I had a very colourful looking bowl full of salad.

Recipe number 2

Lots of chopping ahead

And lots of oil

All done
A surprisingly yummy recipe for such simple ingredients. I've decided I'll be making it for Christmas this year in place of Mum's tabouli - sorry Mum!

And comments would be - just a touch less olive oil and to chop the pepper (capsicum) strips in half - but besides that it's pretty much perfect!

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Uova affogate ai carciofi

Or translated: Poached eggs with artichoke hearts

So this is my first attempt at a recipe out of this huge encyclopaedia of a book. I decided last week that I'd flick the pages, randomly picking a recipe to cook once a week. Luckily for me, my finger landed on a relatively easy one to start with. I was a little scared of the artichokes though so off I went to Borough market with two friends - both of who had much more artichoke knowledge than me! I also got a few strange looks on the tube ride home as they were in a clear carrier bag!

The very first recipe!


Artichokes before

The fuzzy stuff

The artichoke carnage... after a quick youtube tutorial

Not quite like the picture...

...but It was edible!

A few notes

So all in all a success! My notes for next time are: A little less artichoke and also less panchetta (it made it very salty), perhaps an extra egg each and L said "more sauce"!

Til next week...